Awaken Art Gallery Provides Art for an Authentic Experience
Explore an authentic collection of art by Awaken Gallery while dining at Gallery Restaurant.
The art is available for purchase and rotates regularly. For inquiries, please call (704) 248-4100.
Hands, Sculpture in Orsay Museum
The Haze of Mornings Arrival
Fallen in the Air
When I am Blue I Head for Green
Sacred Oak Flowers
The Arroyo
Woman's Head, Sculpture from Orsay Museum
Innocent Beginnings
Le Belle Epoche
Out of The Woods
Lamppost and the Fountain
Fly High Far and Wide
Fading Light
Because it was Grassier
Bulwarks of Blue
In The Garden we are Home
Growing Together
Seek Inside
A Party on the Porch
The Dialogues No2
Tidy Town